Writing Phonetic!

I've slightly changed ASCIIMathMl.js to have ASCIIPhoneticML.js So with this table:
'ae $'ae$
'a $'a$
e $e$
'e $'e$
ee $ee$
'i $'i$
'o $'o$
] $]$
'u $'u$
@ $@$
3 $3$
I $I$
E $E$
d $d_$
n_ $n_$

If you want write the phonetic text for the following lines:

As I'm going to argue repeatedly today,
biology has become a science over the last 50 years.
And, as a consequence, we can talk about some basic principles.
We can talk about some laws and then begin to apply them
to very interesting biological problems.
And so our general strategy this semester,
as it has been in the past,
is to spend roughly the first half
of the semester talking about the basic laws and rules
that govern all forms of biological life on this planet.

You can write

  'aez-'ajm - g'oIn_ - t'u - '@rgju - rep'itedli - ted'e   
baj'@led3i - h'aez - bIk'em - e - s'ajens - 'over - d_e - l'aest -50- j'Irz,-
'aend,-'aez-e-k'@nsekwens - w'i - k'aen-t'@k - eb'awt-s'(e_)m-b'esIk-prInsepelz.
wi-k'aen-t'@k-eb'awt-sem-l'@z-'aend -d_'En-bIg'In-t'u-epl'aj-d_'Em
t'u-vEri -'IntrestIn_-b'@jel'@d3Ikel-pr@blemz.
'Iz-t'u-sp'End-r'(e)fli'- d_e-f'erst-h'aef

(you still have to write "-" instead of a space... sorry, i'm trying to remove the problem)

And have this phonetic text:

'aez-'ajm - g'oIn_ - t'u - '@rgju - rep'itedli - ted'e
baj'@led3i - h'aez - bIk'em - e - s'ajens - 'over - d_e - l'aest -50- j'Irz,-
'aend,-'aez-e-k'@nsekwens - w'i - k'aen-t'@k - eb'awt-s'(e_)m-b'esIk-prInsepelz.
wi-k'aen-t'@k-eb'awt-sem-l'@z-'aend -d_'En-bIg'In-t'u-epl'aj-d_'Em
t'u-vEri -'IntrestIn_-b'@jel'@d3Ikel-pr@blemz.

'Iz-t'u-sp'End-r'(e)fli'- d_e-f'erst-h'aef

Copy and Cut

If you copy the lines above you will have:
ǽz   ájm   go´ɪŋ   tú   ɑ´rgju   rəpítədli   tədə´
bajɑ´lədʒi   hǽz   bɪkə´m   ə   sájəns   o´vər   ðə   lǽst   50   jɪ´rz,   
ǽnd,   ǽz   ə   kɑ´nsəkwəns   wí   kǽn   tɑ´k   əbáwt   sə´m   bə´sɪk   prɪnsəpəlz.
wi   kǽn   tɑ´k   əbáwt   səm   lɑ´z   ǽnd   ðɛ´n   bɪgɪ´n   tú   əpláj   ðɛ´m
tú   vɛri   ɪ´ntrəstɪŋ   bɑ´jəlɑ´dʒɪkəl   prɑbləmz.

ǽnd   so´   áwər   dʒɛnərəl   strǽtədʒi   ðɪ´s   səmɛ´stər,
ǽz   ɪt´   hǽz   bɪ´n   ɪn   ðə   pǽst,
ɪ´z   tú   spɛ´nd   rə´fli   ´ðə   fə´rst   hǽf
ə´v   ðə      səmɛstər   tɑ´kɪŋ   əbáwt   ðə   bésɪk   lɑ´z   ǽnd   rúlz
ðǽt   gə´vərn   ɑ´l   fɔ´rmz   ə´v   bɑ´jəlɑ´dʒɪkəl   lájf   ɑ´n   ðɪ´s   plǽnət.