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div id="storeArea">
Welcome to TiddlyWikiTutorial, an introduction to one of the most efficient ways of communicating information that I've ever seen. If you'd rather skip the tutorial and explore it for yourself, just click on this link to TiddlyWiki.com. \n\n(Please note that this site works best in Firefox. It will also work almost as well in Internet Explorer. It will not work properly in Opera or Safari. Firefox is free, and well worth downloading if you haven't already.)\n\nGo ahead and click on TiddlyWikiTutorial.

div id="storeSiteUrl" modified="200505271622" modifier="BlogJones">http://www.blogjones.com/TiddlyWikiTutorial.html

div id="storeStyleSheet" modified="200505262308" modifier="BlogJones">/*Change Style Info Here*/

div id="storeMainMenu" modified="200505242224" modifier="BlogJones">Welcome TiddlyWikiTutorial EasyToCarry EasyToEdit\n\nRSSFeed\n\n© osmosoft 2005

div id="storeHowToFormatStyle" modified="200505242222" modifier="BlogJones">To adjust the site from the default brown and gray style of TiddlyWiki, add CSS code to the StyleSheet tiddler. Although CSS is beyond the scope of this Wiki, it's not too hard to figure out. Find out all about CSS at w3schools.com.

div id="storeEasyToEdit" modified="200505242215" modifier="BlogJones">Double click on this entry. This will bring you into Editing Mode. Type whatever you want to in the large text box, then move your mouse next to the title of this tiddler and click "done".\n\nIsn't that cool?\n\nNow, if you want to know HowToSaveYourChanges, you'll have to save the TiddlyWiki to your hard drive. Find out how in EasyToCarry.\n\nYou can also learn \n*HowToMakeATiddler\n*HowToFormatText\n*HowToEmbedImages\n*HowToMakeLists\n*HowToMakeExternalLinks\n*HowToMakeTables\n*HowToCreateSubheadings.\n*HowToUseBlockquotes\n*HowToAddAHorizontalLine\n*HowToFormatStyle

div id="storeHowToMakeTables" modified="200505121755" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">You can create a table by enclosing text in sets of vertical bars (||, or shift-backslash on your keyboard). \n|!Headings: add an exclamation point (!) right after the vertical bar.|!Heading2|!Heading3|\n|Row 1, Column 1|Row 1, Column 2|Row 1, Column 3|\n|>|>|Have one row span multiple columns by using a >|\n|Have one column span multiple rows by using a ~|>| Use a space to right-align text in a cell|\n|~|>| Enclose text in a cell with spaces to center it |\n|>|>|bgcolor(green):Add color to a cell using bgcolor(yourcolorhere):|\n|Add a caption by ending the table with a vertical bar followed by a c|c

div id="storeHowToMakeExternalLinks" modified="200505121754" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">Here's how you link to something offsite, like the TiddlyWiki Home Page.\n#Type a pair of left brackets\n#Type the words you want to appear as a link, such as "TiddlyWiki Home Page."\n#Type a vertical bar (|) by hitting shift-backslash.\n#Type or paste the address of the site you want to link to, such as http://www.tiddlywiki.com. \n#End with a pair of right brackets.

div id="storeHowToEmbedImages" modified="200505121752" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">An embedded image looks like this:\n\n[img[Dog shakes hand with soldier|http://www.blogjones.com/Images/dogsoldier.jpg]]\n\nTo embed an image in your Tiddler, follow the following steps:\n#Type a single left bracket, followed by the letters img, followed by another single left bracket.\n#Type the alternate text that will appear if the user's browser fails to load the image for some reason.\n#Type a vertical bar (|) by hitting shift-backslash.\n#Type or paste the address of the image you're embedding.\n#Type two right brackets\n\nTwo notes about using images:\n#First, if you add images to the wiki, the wiki becomes less portable--you have to make sure that the wiki can get to the images you link to. \n#Second, it's considered rude to "hotlink" images on other people's servers. Don't just directly link to someone else's image; download it onto your computer and upload it back to your own server or to a free image host like Image Shack.

div id="storeHowToFormatText" modified="200505121750" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">TiddlyWiki supports all kinds of formatting options:\n*You can create ''Bold'' text by enclosing it in pairs of single quotes ('''')\n*You can create ==Strikethrough== text by enclosing it in pairs of equal signs (====)\n*You can __Underline__ text by enclosing it in pairs of underscores (____)\n*You can create //Italic// text by enclosing it in pairs of forward slashes (////)\n*You can create ^^superscript^^ text by enclosing it in pairs of carrats (^^^^)\n*You can create ~~subscript~~ text by enclosing it in pairs of tildes (~~~~)\n*You can change the text's @@color(green):color@@ by enclosing it in pairs of at-signs (@@@@) and specifying a text color using the phrase ''color(yourcolorhere):''\n*You can change the text's @@bgcolor(red):background color@@ by enclosing it in pairs of at-signs (@@@@) and specifying a background text color using the phrase ''bgcolor(yourcolorhere):''

div id="storeHowToCreateSubheadings" modified="200505121748" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">Let's say that, for some reason, you need to have a single Tiddler with multiple headings. Put the headings on lines by themselves and add an exclamation point (!) at the beginning of the line. If you want a subheading, use two exclamation points, like so:\n\n!Heading1\n!!Subheading1\n!!!Subsubheading1\n\n

div id="storeHowToMakeLists" modified="200505121748" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">Lists are one of the easiest things to do in TiddlyWiki, and that's saying a lot. Put an asterisk (*) at the beginning of any line you want added to a bulleted list. If you use two or three asterisks, you'll create second and third level bullets. Like this:\n\n*Entry One\n**Sub-entry A\n***Sub-sub-entry i\n***Sub-sub-entry ii\n**Sub-entry B\n*Entry Two\n*Entry Three\n\nNumbered lists are pretty easy too: Just use number signs (#'s) instead of asterisks:\n\n#Entry One\n##Sub-entry A\n###Sub-sub-entry i\n###Sub-sub-entry ii\n##Sub-entry B\n#Entry Two\n#Entry Three

div id="storeHowToAddAHorizontalLine" modified="200505121747" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">Need a dividing line? Type four hyphens in a row on a line by themselves.\n----\nThat'll keep your sheep and goats separated.

div id="storeTiddlyWikiTutorial" modified="200505121747" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">Wasn't that cool?\n\nYou've just opened your first Tiddler. A Tiddler is a chunk of information, or MicroContent, about a particular topic. This chunking of information is part of what makes TiddlyWiki so powerful. Human minds are not built to take in long passages of information very well; we're a lot better at taking information in little tiny chunks. \n\nThere are two other things that make TiddlyWiki so powerful: It's EasyToEdit and EasyToCarry.

div id="storeHowToSaveYourChanges" modified="200505121746" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">This tiddler is only slightly modfied from the entry on the TiddlyWiki home site. \n\nYou can save changes if you're using Firefox or Internet Explorer:\n* if you're using Internet Explorer on Windows XP you might run into ServicePack2Problems\n\n# right click on this link and select 'Save link as...' or 'Save target as...' (as you learned in EasyToCarry)\n** choose where to save the file, and what to call it (but keep the .HTML extension)\n# open the newly downloaded file in your browser\n# click the 'options' button on the right to set your username\n# edit, create and delete the tiddlers you want\n** you can change the SpecialTiddlers to change the SiteTitle and MainMenu etc.\n# click the 'save changes' button on the right to save your changes (note that Firefox will give you as many as three security warnings. It's OK, just click Allow or check the "don't warn me again" box.)\n# TiddlyWiki will make a backup copy of the existing file, and then replace it with the new version\n

div id="storeHowToMakeATiddler" modified="200505121745" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">I'm sure you've noticed by now that there are a lot of places where words are stuck together, like HowToMakeATiddler or EasyToEdit. Here's the reason for that: Whenever you type in a word that's mixed case (also known as a WikiWord), TiddlyWiki will automatically create a link to a Tiddler with that title. \n\nTry it! Doubleclick on this Tiddler to go into editing mode and put a few words together in the space below. When you've got a WikiWord made up, click "done."\n\n----\n\n----\n\nSee how TiddlyWiki automatically converted your WikiWord into an italicized link? Click on it. \n\nYou should see your WikiWord as a title and the words "This tiddler doesn't yet exist. Double-click to create it" underneath it. If you double click and write something in the text box, a new Tiddler will be created with the title you've given it. Now if you write that same WikiWord in any other Tiddler, TiddlyWiki will automatically create a link that to same entry.\n\n"But," you say, "what if I want to make a tiddler that's just one word? Or one that doesn't use mixed case?" Open up editing mode, and enclose the word you want to turn into a tiddler in double brackets, like these: [[]]\n\nThat's all there is to it.

div id="storeEasyToCarry" modified="200505121745" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">One of the best features of TiddlyWiki is that it's very portable. To save this entire wiki to your hard drive, right click here and click 'Save link as...' or 'Save target as...'. \n\nYou have now downloaded the entire tutorial in just one file. Every Tiddler, all of the style information, and all of the javascript program that makes the site work is contained in a single HTML file. No databases. No complicated file structures. Just one file.\n\nThe only exception to the one-file rule is images, which you can learn more about in HowToEmbedImages.\n\nYou can carry this around with you as a WikiOnAStick. After you modify it, you can upload this one file as your own personal webpage without having to go through complicated installation procedures. \n\nNow that you've downloaded your own copy of TiddlyWiki, you can now find out HowToSaveYourChanges.

div id="storeTiddlyWiki" modified="200505121721" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">TiddlyWiki is the truly awesome software created by Jeremy Ruston to which this tutorial introduces you. You can find the TiddlyWiki home site at http://www.tiddlywiki.com \n\nThis is one of the most efficient ways of communicating that I've ever seen, and it's a lot of fun to use and write for too!

div id="storeHowToUseBlockquotes" modified="200505121702" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">If you want to quote a long passage of someone else's work, you'll need blockquotes. At the line before the passage begins, add three less-than signs (<<<). On the line after the passage ends, add three more less-than signs. Like so:\n\nBill Whittle said:\n\n<<<\nWe need a map. Several are for sale. How do we choose?\n\nWell, it seems like a good idea to choose the map that best conforms to the coastline we see unveiling before us. We choose the map that best fits the territory. We choose the map that best matches ''reality'' – the objective, external, indisputable reality of bays and promontories, capes and gulfs and rivers and shoals.\n\nWe can, indeed, lay out competing philosophies on the table, and see where each conforms to reality and where it does not. No maps are without distortions; none of these are likely to be, either. And one map may conform perfectly to the coastline in one area, and be dreadfully amiss in another. We can cut and paste them as we wish. This is too important for us to be arguing about who is right – all our energies must go to //getting it// right.\n\nAnd before we start, we must agree to one thing, and one thing only: we will never be so full of arrogance and blinded by pride that we dare confront a place where the map does not match the coastline, and proclaim that ''the coastline must be wrong.''\n\nNavigation by means of reason and logic, taking sightings from historical landmarks and always keeping the firm hand of common sense on the wheel, can steer us clear of these dangerous and confusing times. This sort of thinking, what is essentially scientific thinking, is a new tool, relatively speaking. It is a powerful tool, one that makes powerful demands of us, asking us to forgo pride and ego and preconception. It asks us, as blind men and women in the darkness of the present, to walk into the future not by closing our eyes and glibly imagining a map that is to our liking, but rather to learn to navigate like bats and dolphins, pinging our surroundings, interrogating nature and history at every turn, finding fixed points of reference that we can use to triangulate where we are and where we are headed. \n<<<

div id="storeTiddler" modified="200505121650" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">A Tiddler is a little chunk of information about a particular topic. It can contain text, images, tables, lists, or even external links, which you can find out all about in EasyToEdit.\n\nWhen you're done looking at any particular Tiddler, you can make it go away by moving the mouse over it and clicking the "close" link that appears. Try it on this tiddler!

div id="storeWikiWord" modified="200505121533" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">This Tiddler was copied and pasted from the TiddlyWiki home site.\n\nA WikiWord is a word composed of a bunch of other words slammed together with each of their first letters capitalised. WikiWord notation in a conventional WikiWikiWeb is used to name individual pages while TiddlyWiki uses WikiWord titles for smaller chunks of MicroContent. Referring to a page with a WikiWord automatically creates a link to it. Clicking on a link jumps to that page or, if it doesn't exist, to an editor to create it. This third version of TiddlyWiki also adds NonWikiWordLinks.

div id="storeNonWikiWordLinks" modified="200505121533" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">This Tiddler was copied and pasted from the TiddlyWiki home site.\n\nTo make a tiddler that doesn't have a WikiWord as it's name, you can enclose the name in double square brackets - edit this tiddler to see an example. After saving the tiddler you can then click on the link to create the new tiddler. NonWikiWordLinks permits tiddlers to be created with names that are made from character sets that don't have upper and lower case.

div id="storeWikiWikiWeb" modified="200505121532" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">This Tiddler was copied and pasted from the TiddlyWiki home site.\n\nA Wiki is a popular way of building collaborative websites. It's based on the ideas of easy editing of pages and the use of special WikiWord notation to automagically create links between pages. See Wikipedia for more details. TiddlyWiki is different from a conventional Wiki because it is not based on entire pages of content, but rather items of MicroContent that are referred to as 'tiddlers'.

div id="storeMicroContent" modified="200505121530" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">This Tiddler was copied and pasted from the TiddlyWiki home site.\n\nMicroContent being a fashionable word for self-contained fragments of content that are typically smaller than entire pages. Often MicroContent is presented via some kind of aggregation that reduces the perceptual shock and resource cost of context switching (eg Blogs aggregating several entries onto a page or Flickr presenting photos in an album). This TiddlyWiki aggregates MicroContent items that I call 'tiddlers' into pages that are loaded in one gulp and progressively displayed as the user clicks hypertext links to read them.

div id="storeSpecialTiddlers" modified="200505120922" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">MainMenu contains all the links in the MainMenu bar on the left side of this page.\nSiteTitle and SiteSubtitle are pretty self explanatory.\nDefaultTiddlers is used to store the titles of the tiddlers that are shown at startup. \n\nAny of these can be edited with the changes taking effect immediately.

div id="storeSiteSubtitle" modified="200505120859" modifier="TiddlyTutorial">Learn the Basics

div id="storeSiteTitle" modified="200505120826" modifier="BlogJones">TiddlyWikiTutorial

div id="storeDefaultTiddlers" modified="200505111705" modifier="YourName">Welcome

giovanni - 1/7/05 - 01:51 pm
giovanni - 1/7/05 - 01:44 pm

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